With recycling and sustainability at the forefront of today's culture and business world, Intertek stands ready to support our clients with their knowledge and expertise in this crucial area. From recyclers dedicated to quality and envisioning an expanded market, to businesses committed to transparency in their quest to reduce waste and build a circular economy, Intertek has the right people and the right solutions for these important challenges. In this webinar, you will learn about Intertek's Recycling Supply Chain Verification Program. This program allows Intertek, as a third party, to assess and verify the procedures in place throughout the recycling supply chain and circular economy. Through this verification, you can ensure that plastic waste is being collected, shipped, recycled, and re-used just as you intended...not to the landfill. This verification, coupled with a Certification of Recycled Content backed by ISO 14021: 2016, can give businesses the assurance they need to boost value and project confidence when it comes to responsible sustainability practices. 

17 October 2024 | 10am EDT, 2pm GMT, 4pm CEST

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