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By submitting this form, I as the “Data Subject” grant my/our free, voluntary and unconditional consent to the collection and processing of all Personal Data, or records (collectively, the "Information") relating to me/us disclosed/transmitted by me in person or by my/our authorized agent/representative/s to the information database system of the Intertek Testing Services Philippines Inc., as the Information controller, by whatever means in accordance with Republic Act (R.A.) 10173, otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012” of the Republic of the Philippines, including its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) as well as all other guidelines and issuances by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

By submitting this form, I as the “Data Subject” grant my/our free, voluntary and unconditional consent to the collection and processing of all Personal Data, or records (collectively, the "Information") relating to me/us disclosed/transmitted by me in person or by my/our authorized agent/representative/s to the information database system of the Intertek Testing Services Philippines Inc., as the Information controller, by whatever means in accordance with Republic Act (R.A.) 10173, otherwise known as the “Data Privacy Act of 2012” of the Republic of the Philippines, including its Implementing Rules and Regulations (IRR) as well as all other guidelines and issuances by the National Privacy Commission (NPC).

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