An expansive room featuring numerous machines, highlighting a dynamic and busy technological environment.
10 Sep 2024

Optimising Healthcare Supply Chain Auditing

How Shared Audits Save Time, Energy and Resources

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03 Nov 2022

Assuring the Quality of your Upstream Supplier Data in Value Chain (Scope 3) Emissions

Is the complexity of your supply chain and the lack of visibility in its data quality crippling your net zero ambitions?

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11 Nov 2021

Sustainability: Altering the Boundaries of Quality Management

Are your quality systems ready for a sustainability shake up?

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21 Sep 2021

Determining Materiality in Value Chain (Scope 3) Emissions

Have you fully considered the impact your value chain has on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions when setting net zero targets?

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04 May 2021

Pandemic Risk Management for the Maritime Industry

Protecting the health, morale and wellbeing of seafarers and the shipping community

06 Oct 2020

Pet Product Safety & Risks

Review of the pet product industry and considerations for manufacturers

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30 Jun 2020

Innovation in Packaging

Ensuring safety in the ever-changing food packaging industry

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19 May 2020

Overcoming Challenges with Food Age Recommendations for our Youngest Consumers

Is Your Product Safe for The Intended Consumer?

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08 May 2020

Food and Packaging

How Hot is Too Hot?

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07 Apr 2020

Understanding Foreign Materials in Foods – Part 4

Assessing risk levels as a manufacturer

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31 Mar 2020

Understanding Foreign Materials in Foods – Part 3

What are the potential hazards to consumers?

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17 Mar 2020

Understanding Foreign Materials in Foods – Part 2

Perceiving safety and risk: Consumers versus manufacturers

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10 Mar 2020

Understanding Foreign Materials in Foods – Part 1

What are they and should we be concerned?

21 Jan 2020

Implementing an Anti-Bribery Policy in Your Management System

Learn more about how ISO 37001 is designed to help an organization to prevent, detect and respond to bribery and comply with anti-bribery laws.

10 Jun 2019

June 9 is World Accreditation Day!

World Accreditation Day underscores accreditation's role in bolstering the global supply chain

20 Dec 2016

Cyber Security in Functional Safety

Protecting Industrial Control Systems